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    Privacy Policy

    Privacy Policy
    Privacy Policy
    Article 1 – Protection of personal data
    This is part of the General Agreement of the «Terms and Conditions» and describes the information and personal data management framework followed on the website (hereinafter referred to as the «Website») of the company « » (hereinafter referred to as the «Company»).
    The «Company» complies with the provisions of the Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data (EU 2016/679) and with the relevant Greek legislation (L. 2472/1997 as amended and in force), manages the Personal Data communicated to it by the utmost care, ensuring, in any case, their protection and privacy.
    The «Website» collects personal data disclosed to it when the «Visitor / User» registers for its services.
    The management and protection of the personal data of the «visitor/user» of the services of the «Website» is subject to the terms of this section as well as the relevant provisions of the Hellenic Law (Law 2472/1997 on the protection of the individual from the protection of personal data as amended and in force) and the law (Directive (EU) 2016/679).
    We recognize the importance of protecting personal data (Law 2472/1997) as well as electronic transactions. For that reason:
    The «Website» has the personal data of «Visitors / Users» and «Registered Members» for the general reasons:a) the informative support of its users and the selection of content it offers them, so that it is relevant to their general preferences.
    b) for the provision of personalized services during your visit / use of our website and online services, such as for example providing content of interest to you or facilitating your browsing.
    c) to support the products and services you have acquired from the «Company» through the website of the «Website», such as to notify you about updates or corrections.
    d) the satisfaction of the users’ requirements regarding the services available from and through the «Website» and exclusively for communication, financial and tax purposes or for marketing purposes.
    Collection of Personal Data:
    The use of the «Website» requires, in various cases, the voluntary completion of personal information by cities and users. For example, it may provide us with your name and to contact you, order a product or service, process an order, register as a subscriber to operate an online service.
    When visiting the «Website», in addition to the direct collection of data, it is possible to indirectly collect information about your use of the «Website» and the electronic services provided, with the help of various technologies. For example, when you visit the «Website» or connect to a provided online service, certain information sent by the browser used may be recorded, such as for example the IP address, the type of browser, the access and the addresses of websites that referred you to us.
    The personal data collected by the «Website» are the following: a) Personal data: Each visitor can browse the «Website» without providing any personal information. We will only need personal data when you proceed with orders or products only by voluntarily registering as a member of the «Website». b) During the voluntary registration of the «Visitor / User», as a simple member on the «Website», the requested information is the following: a) Mandatory information Name, Surname, Username, Password, Email address ( e-mail), b) NON-Mandatory Information Country, City, T.K., Address, Landline Phone, Mobile Phone.
    Information that buys services and products: a) The online store of the «Website» operates in accordance with current legislation and maintains the security of your personal data for as long as you are registered with a service of the «Website».b) The personal data you declare in the online store of the «Website» simply from it, for the purpose of supporting, promoting and executing the business relationship.
    The necessary information for each transaction is your name, a phone number, address (street, city, postal code) and type of document (receipt, invoice).
    c) The «Online Store» of the «Website» does not accept direct transactions with bank cards (credit or debit) and does NOT keep credit card numbers and security codes of buyers. The processing of the personal data of those placing orders for online purchases, regarding the process of charging the price to credit cards, is carried out, pursuant to a relevant contract, by the anonymous company with the name PIRAEUS BANK, with which it cooperates. Transactions are protected and carried out in a secure transaction environment of this company with services (American Express SafeKey®, Verified by Visa, MasterCard Secure Code, alerts via e-mail). The information at this stage and all communication are transmitted/transferred via the Internet in encrypted form (SSL 128-bit encryption) and are not accessible from the «Company» online store.
    d) Document data: In the event that the invoice is used as a payment document, we need the company’s name, VAT number, and its registered office address.
    e) Internet Addresses (IP Addresses): The Electronic Internet Address (IP Address) through which your computer has access to the Internet (Internet) and then through the web browser (web browser) that communicates with the «Website», is used exclusively for the collection of statistical data concerning the security of transactions.
    f) Cookies: The «Website» uses cookie technology. The «temporary cookies» (session cookies) for the following purposes:
    To automatically recognize you as a registered user after logging in or for the description on secure subpages.
    For your automatic identification when making purchases and which are necessary for the normal operation of the «electronic shopping cart» application
    To distribute the processing of server requests among a group of servers.
    For the electronic identification of users already connected to social media
    Furthermore, we use «persistent cookies» for the following purposes:
    To improve the performance of our website.
    To personalize your interface and personalize the operation of our website.
    Performance Cookies (Google analytics): These cookies collect information about how you use the pages, for example, which pages you visit most often. These cookies collect aggregated, anonymous information that does not identify any visitor. They are used exclusively to improve the performance of a website.
    Disable Cookies: You can enable, disable or completely delete cookies from the settings options in the browser you use. If you cannot disable cookies, some parts of the website can function adequately and therefore users are assigned this treatment from the beginning. You cannot use the website to allow the replacement of cookies, but you will not be able to use all the features of the website or its specific features. For your settings, the cookie settings in the “Help” menu of the browser.
    Newsletters (News): The «Registered Member» who has access to the subscription services and only as long as he is an active subscriber, has the possibility to choose whether to subscribe to the newsletters (News). The newsletters are sent by the «Website», through the e-mail account declared by the same. Newsletters contain a summary of «Site» products and services as well as updates on offers and sales.
    User registration can be done: a) when ordering a service or product, b) when creating a member account, c) from the special field (News) on the right side of the «Website». When registering the user to the subscriber list, our company collects the name and email provided by the user.
    If you do not want to receive updates (News) from the «Website» you can unsubscribe, which can be done through each email the user has received by using the personal Deletion Code to be removed from the list of recipients. The Deletion Code is at the bottom of every newsletter sent. The Code is entered in the special form for registering/deleting News-Letters from the newsletter recipient list of the «Website».
    The service of sending newsletters (News) after 25-5-2018 with the application of the new provisions of the Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (EU 2016/679) will be available only for registered members who have subscription services and only for as long as they are active subscribers. In order to continue sending newsletters (News letters) after 5-25-2018 to active registered subscribers, their explicit registration is required.
    Collection of Personal Data: The «Company» may use your personal information collected on the website of the «Website» for the provision of various electronic services or for informational, statistical and improvement purposes of the services provided and for marketing purposes.
    Links to third-party websites and applications: The website may allow others to interact with other websites (websites) on which the visitor / user may not have accounts (such as Facebook or other social users) and provides third-party interfaces or embedded applications; Your use of these links and applications is subject to the personal data protection policies of the websites in question, and the «Company»  is not responsible for the personal data handling practices, nor for their content.
    Confidentiality Statement – Personal data:
    This statement concerns the website of the «Website». When an online request is sent, the information provided by the visitor / user is used to respond electronically by the «Company» to the user’s question. The applications completed and the electronic mail sent by each visitor / user are considered confidential.
    The «Company» does not transfer the content of these except to the directly interested recipient and if required by law, if requested or in the event that the content of the message affects the «Company». Such action is necessary in order to: a) protect the «Company» its rights and property, b) protect the «Company» against the bad or unauthorized use of the «Website» website and c) protect the «Company» the personal safety or property of its visitors/users and audience.
    If a visitor / user gives a false email address or tries to impersonate someone else, when sending information online, all information, including the IP address, becomes part of any investigation. «Company» staff can process the email in collaboration with its technical department. Also, if a visitor / user asks one of the «Company’s» customer service representatives to help him in electronic correspondence, he, who can have access to the entire range of information, which is relevant to the request of the visitor / user , including his email addresses and messages.
    The details of visitors / users (name, occupation, e-mail address, residential address, etc.) and the details of visitors / users are considered confidential, as in the usual transactions in a store. Citizens/users, when providing their details in the context of their transactions, as with this one, will be informed by the «Company» and consent and attribute the imminent processing of the details of these personal data, for the needs of the smooth and smooth between of the parties to the transaction, as well as the transmission of these data to recipients, who will be specifically identified and are the company’s employees and employees, in the context of the processing of the contract being drawn up.
    It is ensured that only authorized employees have access to transaction information and only if this is necessary. The personal data declared on the «Website» website.
    The «Website» undertakes not to publish and/or share the personal data of the «Registered Members» of the «Website» to any third party or entity.
    The «Website» can channel personal data of «Registered Members» to third legal and/or natural persons only if: a) The channeling of personal data to legal and/or natural persons cooperating with the «Website» becomes necessary to implement the wishes and/or orders of its «Registered Members». The legal and natural persons cooperating with the «Website» have the right to process the personal data that the «Registered Members» of the «Website» deposit in it only to the extent that it is absolutely necessary to provide support to the «Website».
    b) It is mandated due to compliance with the relevant provisions of the law and to the competent and only judicial, police and other administrative authorities following their legal request and in accordance with the legislative provisions in force at any given time (legislation on the lifting of the privacy of communication L.2225/1994).
    The «Website» undertakes to monitor, supervise and notify any data leakage (from the moment it is noticed and within 72 hours to the protection authority) to the Personal Data Authority.
    General terms of protection of personal data:
    Data security: Any personal processing is carried out exclusively by persons under the control of the «Company». To carry out the processing, the «Company» has selected persons with corresponding professional qualifications who provide sufficient guarantees of technical knowledge and personal integrity for the observance of confidentiality. The «Company» has taken the appropriate organizational and technical measures for the security of the data and their protection against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, prohibited dissemination or access and any other form of unlawful processing. These safety security measures are proportional to the risks involved in the processing and the nature of the data that is the subject of the processing. All information related to the personal information and transactions of «Registered Members» is secure and confidential
    Technical measures to protect personal data: The «Website» provides security certificate technology (SSL – Secure Sockets Layer Certificate). From the beginning to the end of the user’s connection (on-line session) with the digital platform of the «Website», all information and personal data are encrypted based on the SSL 128-bit encryption protocol. Sensitive data such as «Security Codes» (passwords) etc, are encrypted with strong methods of encryption (Encryption) and Pseudonymisation (Pseudonymisation) and are kept with absolute security by the Data Protection Officer (DPO).
    This Privacy Policy Agreement covers all personal data of «Visitors / Users» and «Registered Members» collected by the «Website» during visits and use of the services and pages of the «Website» website. This contract does not cover in any case the relationship between the «Visitors / Users» and «Registered Members» of the «Website» and any services that are not under the control and/or ownership of the «Company».
    Given the nature and volume of the Internet, under any circumstances, including the case of negligence, the «Company» is not responsible for any form of damage suffered by the «Visitor / User» and «Registered Member» of the pages, services, options. contents of the «Website» in which he proceeds on his own initiative and with the knowledge of the present terms.
    The «Website» gives the right to «Registered Members» to delete their personal data, correct and/or update the personal data at any time, simply by visiting the relevant service of the «Website» or may withdraw the consent given for the use of personal data by contacting the Customer Service Department.
    The visitor / has, within the framework of telecommunications privacy legislation, the rights of information and objection to the processing of user data, provided for in articles 11 to 13 of Law 2472/1997.
    Objections are addressed to the company in writing by email and must contain proof of the identity of the requester, as well as a request for a specific action, such as correction, temporary non-use, blocking, non-transmission or deletion. The company responds in writing to objections within an exclusive period of fifteen (15) days. In his reply, he informs the subject of the actions he took or, possibly, of the reasons he did not satisfy the request. The response in case of rejection of the objections is communicated by the Company to the Personal Data Protection Authority.
    To exercise the rights of the above terms, visitor / user, data subject or his legal representative to submit a complaint via e-mail to the company in which he states: (a) his identity, providing relevant evidence from a public authority, (b) the specific personal data concerning his complaint, also indicating the website where these are posted, (c) his contact details (telephone, email address, residential address.
    Compliance with the above procedure is a binding contractual condition before any further action before a public authority or court and this procedure concerns their addresses, visitors to the website accept its binding nature.
    The «Company» reserves the right to change the terms of protection of Personal Data, in accordance with the applicable relevant legal framework.
    These terms of protection of Personal Data may be announced and announced at any time and without personal warning. For the revisions, relevant announcements are made on the home page of the «Website». The users of the website are requested to check their conditions at regular intervals for any changes, as the continuous use of the website implies that they accept all possible modifications thereof.
    If a «visitor / user» does not agree with the terms of protection of personal data provided in this section, he must not use the services of the «Website».
    Applicable law: The applicable law is the same as the last section of the General «Terms and Conditions»
    Article 2 – Cookie Policy
    The «Company» adheres to a strict policy to protect the privacy of «Website» visitors. With this notice we provide you with more information about how we use electronic cookies, each time you visit our website.
    Electronic Cookies (Cookie): They are short texts of software code, which are sent to be stored by our Company’s web server on your terminal equipment with their basic function of communicating to us your browser data. Depending on their duration, cookies are either «temporary» (session cookies) or «persistent» (persistent cookies). «Temporary cookies» are cookies that are automatically deleted when you close your browser, while «persistent cookies» remain stored on your terminal equipment until their predetermined validity period is completed.
    Use of cookies by the website: The «website» uses certain electronic cookies with the main purpose of making it more functional and user-friendly. Cookies are only used to facilitate the access of the visitor / user to specific services of the «Website» and for statistical reasons in order to determine the areas in the services of the «Website» that are useful or popular.
    What types of Cookies do we use:
    The «Website» offers cookie technology, specifically:
    To automatically recognize you as a registered user after logging in or for the description on secure subpages.
    For your automatic identification when making purchases and which are necessary for the normal operation of the «electronic shopping cart» application
    To distribute the processing of server requests among a group of servers.
    For the electronic identification of users already connected to social media
    Furthermore, we use «persistent cookies» for the following purposes:
    To improve the performance of our website
    To personalize your interface and personalize the operation of our website.
    Performance Cookies (Google analytics): These cookies are collected by using information about the pages, for example, which you visit most often. These cookies collect aggregated, anonymous information that does not identify any visitor. They are used exclusively to improve the performance of a website.
    Our website has exclusively its own cookies and does not use any cookies that come from third parties. For example, we do not use cookies from online advertising companies to record the consumer behavior of our users.
    Disable Cookies: You can enable, disable or completely delete cookies through the settings options in the browser you use. If you cannot disable cookies, some parts of the website can function adequately and therefore users are assigned this treatment from the beginning. You cannot use the website to allow the replacement of cookies, but you will not be able to use all the features of the website or its specific features. For your settings, the cookie settings in the “Help” menu of the browser (browser)
    What kind of data we collect through the use of Cookies: All the data we collect from the use of cookies through our website are processed and stored exclusively in the form of anonymous statistical data and are not directly linked to you . Also, our company does not sell or trade data collected in this way.
    Through our cookies, we collect and process the following types of data: Terminal equipment identification data and the user’s internet protocol address, navigation data within the website as well as product/service preference information.
    Data for executed transactions: How to Give Your Consent to Accept the Above Use of Cookies by Us? Upon entering the main page of the «Website», you will be informed of a relevant note on our use of cookies, which is prominently located and refers to this policy of use with relevant information and extensive information. In the event that you decide to browse sub-pages of the «Website» and if you have configured your web browser, you provide your express and specific consent to its use. Otherwise, you must avoid the description within the «Website» or disable the use of cookies in your browser settings.
    How you can disable the use of Cookies: In case you want to enable or disable the use of electronic cookies from your browser settings, depending on your browser, visit the following websites to learn about the necessary related actions:
    Internet Explorer:
    Microsoft edge:
    Safari for iPad and iPhone:
    Article 3 – Applicable Law – Competent court
    The above terms and conditions of use of the «Site», as well as change, change or otherwise are governed by and supplemented by Greek law. Any provision of the above terms that becomes contrary to the law , automatically ceases to be valid and is removed from this, without in any way affecting the validity of the other terms. This constitutes the agreement between the «Company» and the «Visitor / User», Registered Member, «Subscriber» of the pages and services provided through the «Website» and only binds them. No modification of these agreements shall be deemed an agreement and shall not form a part hereof unless it is made in writing and incorporated herein. It is agreed that for any dispute that may arise in the future from the application of this application, Greek Law will be applicable and the competent courts will be the courts of Chania.
    Thank you for your consideration.